Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies – What’s in a name?

We start 2018 with an exciting new name - Family History Connections

In the name AIGS, each word had a certain meaning.The word Australian implies that we help people with their Australian research. This is misleading because we provide access to family history resources from around the world. The word could also imply that our members are from around Australia, which is also incorrect, as the majority of our members live locally in Melbourne. We are not an Institute in the modern meaning of the word - conducting research and publishing papers. Rather, we help members to do their own research through the resources we provide. Genealogical Studies is a term not widely recognised in this day and age, when the commonly used term on web sites, commercial databases, magazines and books is Family History.

The AIGS Council believes a name is extremely important in conveying to the public what you do. Council wanted a clearer, more contemporary name to promote the organisation to the public, and ultimately to attract new members. The decision about the new name was arrived at after long consideration of many words and combinations of words. Council recognised the importance of retaining the original AIGS name, which has been successfully used for nearly forty-five years. Council also voted unanimously to retain our distinctive logo. The design of the FHC name is more modern and in a striking blue and lime palette.

The new name is a registered business name of the Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies, following the example of the South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, which successfully adopted the new registered business name of Genealogy SA several years ago.

FAMILY HISTORY CONNECTIONS ..... Tracing ancestors in Australia and beyond

Family History Connections (FHC) will be used on our web site, Facebook, and all publicity material with the following statement incorporated: Family History Connections is a registered business name of the Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies.

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